Saturday, February 5, 2011

Celebrating February

I am a southern girl! I love the sun! I enjoy the winter and think snow is beautiful, but this uncharacteristically cloudy, below-freezing week in Dallas has left me shivering to the bone!  Until today...the sun has returned!
Even though we were iced in for the most part, February always begins with a week of celebration! My dear mother turned 70 on the 1st, and my amazing daughter turned 18, on Feb 2nd! Followed by several friends and mentors birthdays including Marisa Haedike and Susannah Conway. Happy Birthdays!

I am just beginning my journey as an artist, but I believe in my creative spirit.  I see opportunities and inspiration all around me.  It is so exciting! And today I celebrate my first post as a guest blogger in Mindy Tsonas' Wish Studio! I know - it's unbelievable! Click here to check it out!  I am giving away an authographed copy of Christine Mason Miller's wonderful book Ordinary Sparkling Moments. So leave a comment on my guest blog at Wish Studio and you have a chance to win!  Thank you!

Celebrate everyday this month with me!  There are small ordinary sparkling moments worth smiling about and saying Thank You! to the universe.  As well as big accomplishments as we grow into ourselves, no matter how old we are.

Have a magical, joyful day!


  1. Happy Birthday to your mom and daughter! Congratulations on your guest post... how exciting! I would love that book. Headed over to read the post now!

    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend! :)

  2. that is great Tammy.. have a great February.


  3. Wonderful! Lots and lots of celebrations woohoo! xx

  4. Hi Tammy .. just saying hello to my sister fishie! Wanted to check out your blog -- your photos and words are beautiful. It's lovely here!
